As we celebrate the International Day of Elimination of Racial Discrimination, it is important to note that racism and all other forms of discrimination are often stoked by nationalist populism and other extreme supremacist ideologies. These ideologies are indoctrinated into certain segments and individuals within the population and eventually result into hate attacks such as the xenophobic attacks (as in the case of South Africa) and other related varied forms of intolerance - be it Racism, Religious or Tribal intolerance. These extreme ideologies and doctrines shouldn’t be encouraged in our societies.
Most recently in New Zealand we witnessed the horrifying incident at the Christchurch mosque, where an individual opened fire on Muslim worshipers, because of religious sentiments and discrimination. Many countries in Africa and Asia witness on a daily basis, tribal,ethnic and class discrimination, leading to unmentionable suffering and destruction and loss of many lives and properties. A typical example is Nigeria, where the BOKO HARAM insurgency that started in 2010 has claimed over 200,000 lives and is still looming today in the north east, promoting religious supremacy causing untold suffering.
Tragically young people are often both the victims and perpetrators of tribal / religious based violence and attacks. They are the ones indoctrinated to carry out the massive destruction of lives and properties. Even in the cooperate world they are the ones who most often bear the brunt of racial, tribal / religious discrimination when seeking for jobs, studying in schools and even in offices for the ones that are employed.
As an organization that believes in young people, we want to use this opportunity to urge every young person out there not to let themselves be used. To be more concerned with building and developing their capacities to become active nation builders and desist from any form of discrimination and violence.
All forms of discrimination are evil (Racial, Religious, Tribal etc.). Every human being is born free and equal in dignity and right and should have the potential to contribute constructively to the development and well-being of the society. Recently America celebrated the black history month, during which blacks that have in one way or the other contributed in building up America were celebrated. More of such activities should be encouraged in every country and in every society. We the young people of the world rise up as one to condemn all forms of discrimination and to say NO to being used to propagate such.