A few days ago, we marked the International Day of the Girl Child. CNN showcased a beautiful and insightful documentary in which the first lady of America, Michelle Obama, Meryl Streep and Isha Sessay, visited and discussed with many courageous girls across world. These girls shared their plights, hopes, dreams and aspirations with us. It was truly moving. Here is the link.
In a previous post, I brought attention to the fact that while change is necessary, we must do our best to ensure that the change we work for and support, is to the best of our judgment, change for good. Change is essential for the empowerment of the girl child, and that is good for everyone – individuals, families, communities and countries. The educated and empowered girl child will one day, mature into a woman who is informed, skilled and competent. She will also have the innate qualities of womanhood which the vast majority of us have had the privilege of witnessing in our mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters – compassion, courage, strength, perseverance, faithfulness, fortitude and, of course, love.
source: germandogsblog.wordpress.com
I reflect on world leadership today, struck by a scenario that may never come to pass again. Currently a significant number of powerful nations are being led by women – Germany, UK, Denmark, Thailand, Argentina, Australia, Liberia, Bangladesh, Iceland, Costa Rica, Finland, Chile, Lithuania, Trinidad and Tobago, Myanmar and perhaps in the near future, the United States of America. And women are leading many powerful organisations, too, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and UNDP. Plus more that I may have missed.
Given these unprecedented numbers, are we perhaps moving into a new era? An era with a huge potential for positive change? It is at the very least, an opportunity for these women leaders to work together, bringing their innate attributes for good to bear within their nations and organisations and for the good of the world.
Source: www.ggmn.tv
I like to think that these women leaders will care about making the world a better place for their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. That they will seize the opportunity of their collective and individual power, to put in place and implement policies and programmes that improve the lot of their people.
Let us all continue to work for and call for the empowerment of the girl child and, in so doing, build up women who are working and leading to change our world for the better.